Walk to End Alzheimer’s (or run a 5K) this Saturday, September 20 at Huntington Park! Join us and Columbus in the fight against this devastating disease by registering yourself, family and friends to walk or join in the Ohio Health 5K.
If you’re uncertain about walking or running, you can still get involved by volunteering at the walk! Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, registration, water stops, promise garden, the T-shirt tent and so much more. Visit our Volunteers Page for more information!
Event Information
Columbus Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Date: September 20, 2014
Location: Huntington Park 330 Huntington Park Lane, Columbus, OH 43215
Time of Events:
- 5K Run: Arrive at 7 AM; run begins 8 AM
- Ceremony: 9 AM
- Walk: Arrive at 8 AM; walk begins at 9:15 AM